
Metric Pitch (Module)

Metric Pitch (Module)
Gears, Gear Rack, Metric Pitch (Module)

PDF - GearRack-MetricPitchModule.pdf

Subcategories Below.

Metric (Module) Steel Gear Rack
Metric (Module) Stainless Steel Gear Rack
Metric (Module) Nylon Gear Rack
Metric (Module) Round Steel Gear Rack
Metric (Module) Injection Molded Plastic Gear Rack Metric (Module) Induction Hardened Steel Gear Rack


Note all Gear Racks require protection during shipping, with a $15.00  Cardboard Engineering Tube. Several Racks, depending on the size, can be placed into one tube. 

All orders placed on this website are handled entirely by computers. Be aware that all web orders may take up to 3 days to process!! If you need your order to ship more quickly email: csr@ametric.com